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By - Ramona Reed

Causes of Domestic Violence and How to Avoid Being a Victim

The rate of domestic violence in the current world has been increasing at an alarming rate. In fact, there is no day that can pass without being bombarded by the horrific news of battering and deaths associated with domestic violence. For young people that have seen it happen and are preparing to get married, the experience can be traumatizing which may cause them to lose the interest of ever having a partner in life. As such, there is a need to understand some of the main causes of domestic violence and how couples can overcome the menace.

Jealousy, anger, frustration or feeling of inadequacy is the main contributors to the violence experienced in modern society. When one of the partners feels inadequate or is given a reason to get jealous, some form of insecurity will clip into them, which may cause them to act in the most unpleasant way. The fear of shame results in people opting to keep quiet even when they experience regular battering.

Some forms of domestic violence include trespassing, vandalism, and other crimes such as violations of restraining orders and harassment of a partner. Other forms of domestic violence include physical crimes such as hitting and slapping, raping, shoving one to the side, hair pulling, stabbing and so on. Understanding the types and causes of domestic violence is essential in determining how one should avoid it from happening to them or responding in a violent manner.

For starters, there is a need to understand how to control the emotions such as jealousy and anger even when one of the partners is the cause. For example, when you feel agitated by your partner, communicate freely, and when you realize that you cannot make it through talking, walk away and involve an intermediary. You should also learn to let go when things are beyond repair without holding hard feelings against each other.

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